Monday, January 24, 2011

Environmental Governance for aspiring leaders

As you know environmental governance is a major topic around the globe.
If I define it in a simple manner, its all about mechanisms and rules that conserve and protect the environment. Due to the rapid industrial growth and its unfavorable consequences all around the world, the concept of Global Environmental Governance has gained prominence in the recent years, as the effective handling of environmental issues and management of natural resources are important for the very survival of humanity.

This aspect has not been given a warm reception by many as it speaks of strict measures against ones who harm the environment.

We at the Green Lanka Youth Platform (GLYP) strive to synergise and promote the concept of Environmental Governance in a manner that will ensure the participation of Sri Lankan youth. For a long time the youth have aspired to lead and to make major decision concerning our lan, but were not given a proper platform.
GLYP strives to fill this void and encourage active participation that will include brain-storming sessions to make a policy paper to be presented at the EcoSingapore World Leadership Conference 2011.

As Margaret Mead said “A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”

So if you haven't signed up, hurry up! Its time for YOU to make a change.


1 comment:

  1. Good stuff!..keep it up, We need more inspiring individuals and articles...Let's emulate severn suzuki
