Monday, January 10, 2011

A Low Carbon Future: Renewable Energy

The whole idea of having a 'low carbon future' and maintaining it, is built around the effectiveness of Renewable Energy sources. Renewable Energy, or energy that is replenished by natural phenomenon, is one that is now of major importance to nations all over the world.

Over the last decade, new technology that can effectively, yet sustainably tap into renewable resources are being developed, with the most focus being put on hydro, wind and solar power. Lets have a look at how each different type of renewable energy is being touched:

1. Solar energy: This energy is generated by heat and light from the sun. A growing of wide variety of solar photo voltaic plants are also called utility scale is greater which now account for one quarter of total grid attached solar PV capacity. The greater part of renewable energy sources come straight or indirectly from the sun. The purposes are hot water plants in buildings, solar cooling, for electricity and lighting of houses and complexes.

2. Wind power: The preservation of wind energy into electrical energy utilizing wind turbines. These types of wind times as a collective term called as wind farms. Firms continue to improve common turbine sizes and improves technologies, such as with gearless designs which creates additional power.

3. Biomass power: These biomass power plants can be found in over 50 nations throughout the globe and offer an improving nature of electricity. Biogas for power development is also a developing craze in many countries.

4. Geothermal power: Exists in 20 nations which use heat beneath the earth’s surface to generate energy.

5.Bio fuels: The primary bio fuels consists of corn ethanol, sugar ethanol and bio diesel. The United States and Brazil accounted for just about 90 percent of global ethanol production.

6. Hydropower: This is the most widely applied kind of renewable energy. Energy produced from water turbines relies on the volume and difference in height in between the source and the water’s outflow.

Energy is critical to the entire infrastructure of the world. Energy, in particular clean energy technology, is also becoming a strong driver of the world’s economy. According to research on the Clean Energy Trends for 2010, biofuels provided $44.9 billion to the economy in 2009 and is projected to grow to $112.5 billion by 2019. Wind power is expected to expand from $63.5 billion in 2009 to $114.5 billion in 2019. Solar photovoltaics, including modules, system components, and installation, will grow from $36.1 billion in 2009 to $116.5 billion in 2019.In addition, analysis shows that solar photovoltaics and wind power industries currently account for 8.3 million jobs. The projections for 2019 are more than 3.3 million jobs in those two sectors.

With the natural gas supply running out within the next 35 years, and given the fact that if the current rate of consumption continues for oil, the supply is predicted to run out within the next 14 years, RENEWABLE SOURCES OF ENERGY ARE A MUST for mankind.

If you have any suggestions or information to share with regards to Renewable Sources of Energy, please do share it with us :)

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